Fast4 Tournament 2024 – Enter Now!

Due to the extreme weather on February 18, the Fast4 Tournament was moved to the much more palatable Autumn date of Sunday, April 28, as seen on the flyer below.

Join us for an afternoon of social tennis with a Fast4 competitive twist on the beautiful grass courts at Maylands Tennis Club.

-Players will play a minimum of five (5) Fast4 sets with various partners and opponents. Sets will be organised fairly based on Doubles Rating. Prizes to be won!

-Included is afternoon tea and sausage sizzle free for all players ($3 for guests).

-Bar will be open at 4:00pm.

To register, please email your: Name; Phone No; Your Doubles Rating from most recent pennant grade, or any information that can help identify your level of play, to

– Please register and pay by ‘close of entry’ Monday 22nd April, 4:00pm.

– Please send your $20 entry fee and note Fast4/Name to:  BSB: 066-114  ACT: 00900506

– Entries are limited        

– No walk-ups on the day accepted

For more information, call Travis on 0410 391 275

Look forward to seeing you on the court!