Fast4 Tournament 2025 – Enter Now!

Join us on 13th April for an afternoon of social tennis with a Fast4 competitive twist on the beautiful grass courts at Maylands Tennis Club.

-Players will play a minimum of five (5) Fast4 sets with various partners and opponents. Sets will be organised fairly based on Doubles Rating. Prizes to be won!

-Included is afternoon tea and sausage sizzle free for all players ($3 for guests).

-Bar will be open at 4:00pm.

To register, please email your: Name; Phone No; Your Doubles Rating from most recent pennant grade, or any information that can help identify your level of play, to

– Please register and pay by ‘close of entry’ Monday 7th April, 4:00pm.

– Please send your $20 entry fee and note Fast4/Name to:  BSB: 066-114  ACT: 00900506

– Entries are limited        

– No walk-ups on the day accepted

For more information, call Travis on 0410 391 275

Look forward to seeing you on the court!